November 26, 2016
From 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Casa Ejidal, Todos Santos, BCS, MX
Special invite reminder of our 10th Annual Tianguis. Click here to view invitation.
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November 26, 2016
From 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Casa Ejidal, Todos Santos, BCS, MX
Special invite reminder of our 10th Annual Tianguis. Click here to view invitation.
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It’s a historic time here in Todos Santos, check out our July Newsletter! Beca Graduation Ceremony, Invitation: Palapa Learning Center Ground Breaking, Puente Ice Cream Social. Click here to read more; July 2016 Newsletter
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You can own this exclusive “Painted Saint”, painted by Led Zeppelin’s John Paul Jones. All proceeds benefit the Beca educational scholarship program for students. Place a bid now.
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Lots of exciting things happening at The Palapa Society—Beca Angels, land for a new Palapa Learning Center, and more community support. Read all about it in the latest newsletter. Click to read more…
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Todos Santos Music Festival 2016 Line-Up Announced
The Hotel California and Vaso Loco, LLC, a company founded by guitarist Peter Buck, present the fifth annual Todos Santos Music Festival, a two-week music event benefiting The Palapa Society, A.C. The festival, held in Todos Santos at the legendary Hotel California and in the historic Town Plaza, will take place on January 14-16 & 20-23, 2016. Tickets are will be available online beginning October 15th, 2015, click here.
The two-week lineup, curated by Peter Buck, features artists spanning the rock, alt-country, and Latin genres.
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Check out the latest happenings at the Palapa Society from our Newsletter, including updates on new and existing programs, Hurricane Odile relief efforts, and exciting news about our dream of finding a permanent home for The Palapa Center. You can view it by clicking here.
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The Palapa Society extends it’s deepest thanks to Peter Buck and his talented friends, for believing in the goals of the Palapa Society and helping us to achieve our dreams of building our own permanent home.
Visit todossantosmusicfestival.com for more information.
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The Palapa Society has had a tumultuous fall season and is justifiably proud of its accomplishments.
Thanks to the hundreds of benefactors from all over the world over $90,000 dollars was raised for hurricane relief for Todos Santos, through GoFundMe http://www.gofundme.com/eskrns, and ICF www.icfdn.org, in addition to all ticket sales from the Todos Santos Music Festival.
Donations continue to come in for Hurricane relief and, although the main part of our relief program has come to an end, we continue to accept these donations which will be used for relief programs in the local ranches and surrounding areas as needed. We are proud that we were able to field three teams of workers, six days a week during the last three months.
Each application for aid was assessed, the need evaluated, and confirmed after completion. Through these three months over 200 lamina (metal) roofs were constructed that had been blown away in Hurricane Odile providing safe living spaces for these families.
In addition 10 complete shelters were constructed for people who had lost entire homes. Hundreds of boxes and bags of food were delivered both locally and to the sierras, families were aided in replacing clothing, kitchen appliances and household items blown away in the Hurricane, and 30,000 was donated to the Hogar de Ninos to rebuild one of their shelters.
100 percent of the donations that were received were used to pay for the relief efforts, and we thank every one of you who were part of this team to bring relief to the people of Todos Santos. We appreciate the continued support of donations and we thank you all for believing in us!